Friday, May 29, 2009

i heart...

Some weeks I have very few words to share. This is one of them. What I do have are tons of photographs. I probably take 15 or so a day. So, here's a photo essay of the things I heart this week.

Let's start by saying...i heart Fridays
i heart picking little peaches from our dwarf peach tree
i heart blue Texas skies with white fluffy clouds
i heart watching this little boy sleep in our bed with his two best friends...
Bun-Bun and Horsey
i heart watching this little girl stand on her own and dream of walking
i heart this little tushy
i heart harvesting goodies from our garden
i heart these little hands
i heart this necklace and i wear it all the time
i heart finger painting with friends
what i don't heart is cleaning it up...walls, floors, faces, elbows, name it

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