Monday, June 30, 2008

Summer time fun

Summer time fun.

In spring, my friend Kelly and I decided to brainstorm some summer activities to do with the kids that keep them entertained. The only requirements were the activities could not be too expensive and they cannot require much work from us. Are we lazy? No, we're just both pregnant. Kelly is due 5 weeks after I am and no we didn't plan to get pregnant at the same time but it's really cool. So, this past week we took the kiddos to a bounce house place where we paid $5 for two hours of fun prior to naptime. Eli had a blast. He even wanted to go on this HUGE bounce house where you had to climb up this steep ladder so you can slide down. He wasn't quite strong enough to climb the ladder on his own so he wanted me to take him up there. I told him I couldn't because I was too pregnant SO he took matters into his own hands...meaning...he walked over to a stranger of a lady and asked her to take him up. She agreed and together they probably climbed that ladder 10 times. She was sweet about it and I got a good nap from it.

1 comment:

Christine said...

That looks so fun. We went to one a long time ago...looks like we need to go again soon. How cute that he would ask a stranger to help him out.

I can't wait to see pictures of the new baby soon!!!