Thursday, May 15, 2008

Baby Butlers Room

Still nesting.
Still continually doing something new around the house.
Today I finished the flower beds in my garden. Yes, at 32 weeks pregnant I did this. David told me I'm crazy. He also said he doesn't want to hear me complain that I'm tired when all I do it work myself away in the garden. I didn't listen, I kept pulling back the grass and preparing the flower beds. His last words to me were, "Don't over do yourself." My mom said I'm obsessed. I said, "thank you" and kept working.I guess I have all this time to garden because Baby Butler's room is complete! That's right boys and girls, I do not have to decorate another nursery. This is Eli's old room, he has moved out of this room, passed it on to his brother or sister and he now resides in his new room. I still love this room dearly, it's one of my favorite corners of our home.
Pictures of Eli's new room will follow, I promise. I officially finished his room today by hanging a cute red clock on the wall. I can honestly now say, "it is finished!"
Here, Eli is taking one last (okay, probably not his last) jumping ride in his crib.
Sorry buddy, it's not your crib anymore.
My decorating style can be summed up in a few words, "less is more."
I'm not an over-the-top decorator.
I love decorating but my style is simple.
Clean lines.
Color is great but nothing too bold.
I love natural light.
Not a fan of blinds on every window.
I love decorating.
Switching things around from time to time.
And, please, nothing formal.
I hope Baby Butler loves his/her room.
Eli loved it.
He still does.
He still adores the antique rocking chair.
Still loves the bugs on the walls.
Still is obsessed with the color green.
And, he's glad to share his room.
So, come soon (but not too soon) sweet baby of mine. Your room is complete and ready for you!

1 comment:

Christine said...

Holy cow! That's adorable! I like simple too. I love the huge magnifying glass. Cute stuff.