Tuesday, December 28, 2010

the gift of slow

a while ago i was blog reading. i came across a post that has stuck with me and i don't even remember where i found it, i wrote it down though. it was about the gift of slow. and that has become my first (and possibly only) new years resolution.

the gift of slow. enjoying the mundane. like a picnic lunch in the kitchen because it's too cold to go outside. like listening to the children play while i make dinner. you know, those simple everyday happenings. the ones we often miss because we're busy rushing to the next thought or event or task.

no more. no more for me.

the gift of slow. enjoying the ordinary. baking cookies for a neighbor. getting the mail. watering the garden. homemade pizza dough. opening the windows. a blanket in the park. you know, those ordinary everyday happenings. the ones we often miss because they're so ordinary, we see them everyday. but everyday they should be just as lovely.

the gift of slow. being present. having my mind with my children as we head to the park or to the museum. having my mind with my husband as we enjoy dinner at the dinner table or go out for a date or just cuddle in bed. not just being present, but really being present.

so this is my resolution. to give myself, to give my husband, to give my children - the gift of slow.

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