Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Pregnancy Plea

This pregnancy plea goes out to all my local readers. Which however, I don't think I have any so instead this is just me complaining to the blog world.
Here we go...
PLEASE someone, make us dinner or invite us over for dinner, so I don't have to go grocery shopping, do this so I don't even have to think about cooking, do this so we don't have to eat out. I came to the conclusion last week that I cannot go grocery shopping on my own anymore. Why? Because of my lack of energy and my fear of my water breaking in public and it's just really hard to keep Eli in the grocery basket (unless I give him tic-tacs).
Also, dear local readers...there is something stinky in my refridgerator. The only thing I've done to try to fix the problem is hold my breath, peek inside and look around. I haven't even attempted to clean out the fridge or uncover what in the world the smell is. Do I have any volunteers to come over and clean out my fridge?
Please excuse me now, I must take some chicken out of the freezer for dinner tonight.

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