Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mornings with Mickey

Do you know how much Mr. E loves watching Mickey Mouse Club House? This particular morning he watched it while holding his Mickey Mouse stuffed animal. I guess it's actually a doll, but we don't use that word and Mr. E in the same sentence. Unless you're saying: "Gosh, that Eli is such a doll." Oh, I was in Wal-Mart with Eli the other day and this lady came up to us and said, "He's just too adorable to be a boy." Look at those little hands holding Mickey so tight!
Look at the picture one more time, isn't it just adorable?

Mickey Mouse Club House HAS to be Mr. E's most favorite cartoon on television. And, forget diaper changes while Mickey is on. If I want to change him, I have to bring the diaper to him.
On a different note
I'm still trying to get over this head cold
I won't be blogging for a while
Enjoy your Thanksgiving
I'll be with my parents in California

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