Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Friday!

I love Fridays...always have...always will. Today we will spend our Friday outside. The weather looks great, I might even be able to wear a skirt. Yesterday Eli played with his cousin C.C. They were outside, freshly bathed. C.C. found a nice puddle...she jumped right over it. Eli on the other hand jumped right in it. My dear son cannot resist getting dirty, we go through a lot of clothes. Here Eli is inspecting a bug. Last weekend we took a walk on our street, I pointed out a cricket to Eli thinking he'd watch it jump and play with it awhile. Well, he picked it up and squeezed it. Fortunately, I caught him right before the final squash...I saved the cricket although he was a little injured. The circle of life right? A sweet treat for some bird!
Enjoy your Friday, I know I will!

1 comment:

Christine said...

It sure looks warm out in Texas. Glad to see you are all better and the weather's warm.