Tuesday, June 3, 2008

This is what I'm looking forward to...

Five more weeks of pregnancy to go. It's gone by fast, but at the same time slow. It's been so lovely not having to worry about the usual first pregnancy things like:
having a baby shower
buying the baby necessities
taking a bunch of classes
reading "Your Pregnancy Week By Week" daily
decorating a nursery
When people ask me how I can go through 9 months of pregnancy and not find out the sex of the baby (all while giving me a baffled look as if something is wrong with me), I think about all the things I don't have to do to prepare for this baby, main thing...I don't have to decorate a new nursery. Instead, I've been spending my sweet days with Eli since I'll soon have another little one who needs my attention. Also, it brings me pure joy to reuse all of Eli's baby stuff.
But, as the days draw near. As the baby kicks harder and harder. As I wonder how in the world one of those hard kicks does not break my water right now...I am reminded that this is what I'm looking forward to...

Those 6 month old smiles
(Eli's first camping trip at 6 months old. Our 7 year wedding anniversary)
Monthly photo shoots. Catching great shots like this
(Eli's 5 month photo shoot)
Infant immunization days. Notice the bandaid on Eli's leg. Despite the shots, he still posed for this most adorable picture at 3 months old. This is STILL one of my most favorite pictures of Eli. I love it so much that I just had a print made to hang in our craft room (I call it a craft room, David still calls it his office...in our next house, I WILL HAVE MY OWN CRAFT ROOM).
So, once again sweet baby, come soon but not too soon. July 4th would be wonderful...unless you are more than 9 pounds, if so, please come NOW!

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