Monday, October 29, 2007

First trip to the dentist

I finally got around to taking Mr. E to the dentist. I'm almost one year late since it's recommended that I take him at one year old. Well, I'm glad I took him because we had a great experience cavities. They did a complete cleaning, just like you and I would have. They even flossed his teeth. Of course, he did cry a bit and was completely exhausted after the appointment...but it's well worth it! He was completely spoiled at the dentist. He got a balloon, got to pick a pumpkin from their pumpkin patch, got stickers, a new toothbrush, floss, literature (for me) and nice bright pearly whites.

Here are some of the interesting things I learned at the dentist:
1) Babies should have their first check up at one year old. It use to be three years old but they changed it because by three, a lot of the little ones already had cavities
2) Milk or juice should only be given at meal time...not throughout the day. Throughout the day little ones should be given water
3) The little ones do not naturally have the bacteria that causes cavities...but...we can give it to them by sharing drinks
4) Flossing at this age is recommended
5) When you brush, you should start at the back and work your way to the front
6) If you don't give your little one tap water that has fluoride, you should give them a fluoride supplement

1 comment:

Christine said...

Nice info. We still haven't taken Jackson to the dentist but I have a feeling it may not be a fun time. Yikes.