Friday, January 14, 2011


just some randomness because i'm in a random mood...
remember THIS post? well, i slipped my pink skirt on again. i couldn't help myself. i didn't leave the house. it just called me as i was searching through my closest for something to wear.

when my mom visited over christmas, we were driving down the highway and she said i drive like a maniac. i said, "why, thank you."

i have a hot date friday night with a certain man whose been mine for 10-1/2 years now.

i have major cabin fever and threw a little fit when my dad told me it's been in the 70's in california.

due to my cabin fever, i've been crafting and organizing and cleaning like a mad woman.

potty training my girl isn't too bad after all.

i've been listening to non-stop music lately. and if it was a bit warmer outside, i'd lay in the grass at night listening and gazing and breathing.

i've been trying to convince david that moving to amsterdam would be a lovely adventure. he thinks i need to stop watching THIS show.

so that's it for me. remember THIS post? well, david will be working this weekend so...the children and i will be visiting the church of the museum.

happy friday.

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