Thursday, April 1, 2010


Last Saturday we gathered with some friends from church. We sat in the living room talking about everything and anything having to do with Christ. We talked about sharing our faith with others. Out of David's mouth came the following words, "Just share your testimony. People can argue with you about the Bible, but, your testimony is something completely different. It's yours. Just tell other what Christ has done in your life."

So simple, isn't it?

Last Easter I shared THIS story. The story of our first few years in Texas. THIS song got me through those years, I would listen to it over and over again. Even though I was full of unbelief, God met me, listened to my cries and here we are today.

A year after sharing a piece of our testimony, I still stand in awe of what God has done. What He's done in my life. In David's life. And, in our marriage.

I love this man. I love that he speaks life into my life daily. I love that he preaches grace. I love that I found him doing laundry today while singing along with one of the many songs on his ipod. I love that he builds gardens for other people. I love that he calls me out of the blue just to tell me I'm doing a great job as a mother. I love that he just smiles when Eli uses his sweet kisses to make me give him what he wants. I love watching him with his daughter, who looks 100% like him, not me. I love. I just do. Can't argue with that.

If you ever see him, ask him about his testimony. Truly. Captivating.


  1. Simply beautiful...and what a wonderful picture of your hubby. ;) Have a blessed Easter!

  2. i am not even sure now how i first came across your blog...but i LOVE it and i love that you share your faith and give god the glory. testimonies are a powerful thing and thank you, lord, for another great godly man (your hubby). this hurting world needs more of 'em. i happen to think mine is pretty amazing too. god is good :)
    p.s. best friend just moved to cedar park, tx and almost all family live in austin...i have a LOVE for all things texan, even though i am a cali native!


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