Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Naptime with Fruit Leather

So...I don't normally put my son down for a nap with food in his mouth, but, he wouldn't let this fruit leather go. I had the following choices to make:
1) Fight with Eli to get the fruit leather out of his hand before I put him down AND take the risk of him being so upset that he would not take a nap
2) Just let him have it, maybe he'll finish eating it before he falls asleep or maybe not
So...I chose number two. It probably would have been a great idea to take the fruit leather out of his hand and mouth after taking this picture. But, I don't always do things the "good mom" way. Hey, you have to have a little fun and break some rules some time right?! So...instead, I let him sleep with the yummy treat. I can just imagine the smile he had on his face when he woke up to find the treat waiting for him.
My motto of the day: Just let it be

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