Wednesday, March 12, 2008

An Injury

For those of you who didn't know, Mr. Eli fractured his collar bone. He refers to his right arm as his "ouchie." Here's how the injury happened:1) Friday morning. We were sitting nicely on the couch
2) I got up to answer the telephone
3) Meanwhile, Eli stood up on the couch and starting jumping
4) Before David (thank goodness he was home) could say, "sit down Eli," he did a nice tumble and fell off the couch landing on his head
5) David came running, Eli started crying, I hung up the phone
6) Due to lack of usage of his right arm, we took him to his pediatrician who sent us to the E.R.
7) Eli got x-rays
8) Eli was given this cute animal sling (which, he actually doesn't mind wearing)
So, no more Eli's jumping on the couch!

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