Wednesday, May 25, 2011

let the days be slow

i have this friend back home and she is amazing. from the moment we first met, i knew i wanted to be just like her when i grew up. i wanted to be an amazing wife like her. i wanted to be an amazing mother like her. i wanted to be amazing friend like her.

she has two daughters. every may, she would be oh so excited about the school year coming to an end. she couldn't wait to spend her days with her girls. she would have the best activities planned, even if the day just included pj's until noon, devotions in the backyard and afternoons at the pool.

as the days of summer slowly came to an end, she would be sad. the thought of returning to a scheduled school year and being away from her girls saddened her. i have always loved this about her.

even though i'm here in texas and she's in california, i can still feel her excitement about being with her girls this summer. i have found myself having the same emotions.

this past year i started thinking about what we should do in regards to eli going to kindergarten. i say 'we,' but it's actually been an inner struggle with myself, david had no idea. i didn't talk about my thoughts with many because i didn't want someone else's views of homeschool or public school or private school to sway my decision. i wanted to make the decision on my own, i wanted to do what was best for my family.

i did share my thoughts with a few people. one gal gave me the best insight, "you'll know what is right for your family and you'll go with it." this gal and i are complete opposites, we're separated by at least 20 years of age, yet she completely knew what i needed to hear at that time. i saw her again yesterday and shared my decision. "see, you just know," she said.

so it's may and i'm giddy. i'm giddy because summer is almost here and i cannot wait to spend the months with my two children before eli heads off to kindergarten. i want to spend the summer giggling and eating popsicles in the garden and walking to the pool and escaping the afternoon heat and taking long naps and writing all these memories in my mind just in case they don't make it to paper.

let the days be slow.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you! And you most certainly know what I am praying for. Enjoy your summer!


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