(just for grandpa)
let me tell you a story about this little man...he's totally obsessed with legos. practically everyday, he dumps the bucket of legos all over the floor. sits right next to them and builds something. he calls that something 'his latest invention.'
tonight, a piece of 'his latest invention' was dropped in the toilet. while the two of us were discussing who was going to stick their hand in the toilet to fetch it, a sweet little girl flushed it.
drama. i tell you.
there were crazy tears. frowns. and words demanding that we go to the ocean to find the lego.
i told him a fish probably already had the lego for dinner.
i walked him over to the bucket of legos. we found another piece to replace the flushed one. sister said sorry with a big hug. and life as we know it went on.
the end.
Too funny... (though not at the time, I'm sure!) We SO understand the drama here :)