Saturday, October 2, 2010

saying goodbye

this weekend we are saying goodbye to september and hello to october. october has long been my favorite month of the year. something about the change in the season, the arrival of pumpkins, the orange tones that fill the landscape, the costumes and carving. love it.

we finished clearing the garden for fall. one last surprise made us smile. potatoes! first year we attempted potatoes and alas, success. the kids were giddy. i was thrilled.
my square foot garden has been with us for a few seasons now. it has never failed us, always left us with an abundance. the 10 boxes are cleared. we will attempt a fall garden for the first time but start off small. filling just a few boxes. 
happy october friends. i leave you with a song. enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, that song was WAY too cute! Happy October, my fellow fall-loving friend! Can't wait to read about your garden!


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