Tuesday, October 12, 2010

no hurry

i'm in no hurry.
i'm in no hurry with this girl. she's just a baby. and perhaps my last. so i'm in no hurry for her to grow up. 
i'm in no hurry to potty train. she's cute in diapers and i don't mind changing them or even buying them. we casually work on potty training. but i'm in no hurry. 
i'm in no hurry for her to sleep in a big girl bed. her room is a nursery and will remain so until her body is the length of the crib. she has slept here soundly since 4 months old. so i'm in no hurry. i've placed her in this crib after a midnight nursing, after a terrifying night in the emergency room, at noon for countless naps. i'm in no hurry to have her sleep elsewhere. 
there's oatmeal stuck on the wall from last nights dinner (yes, we eat oatmeal for dinner), there's a perfectly positioned handprint on the beige chair in the family room, there's even a sticky doorknob in the house...but i'm in no hurry. those things just seem to add character to our cozy home. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. I might have to steal your idea... I, too, am in "no hurry."

    Thanks so much for sharing. I get the most joy and pleasure from reading your blog posts. I feel like we have a lot in common :o)


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