Monday, February 8, 2010

Valentine's Day Crayons

We spent the weekend making Valentine's Day crafts for Eli's friends at school. We started with some basic crayons. What child (or adult) wouldn't love a little heart crayon? Here's what we did.
Pulled out the box of random crayons. A collection from years of coloring at restaurants, on airplanes and such. We pulled out a variety of colors.

Used our heart mold baking cup tray.

Peeled all the wrappers from the crayons.

Broke them into tiny pieces and placed them randomly in the cups.

Put them in the oven at 300 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Watched them melt. They looked a little strange upon taking them out of the oven, but they cooled nicely into an adorable gift for 12 little friends.

We'll package them in Valentine's gift bags alone with some other homemade goodies.


  1. I can't wait to see them! You are such a little crafty critter!

  2. what a great idea! -Alisa


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