We have spring fever. Everyday we look out our breakfast nook window into our garden. Bare garden boxes is what we see. Not quite time to start planting here in Texas so we're doing a little growing indoors to hold us over.
Introducing Emma egg and Eli egg. Emma's hair is just a week behind Eli's which is why she's still bald. Almost time to give Eli a haircut.
We found these little adorable eggs at the craft store. A couple bucks and worth every penny in our home. Bought one last weekend and realized one wasn't enough. We returned this past Saturday for a friend.
We planted seeds at Eli's birthday party. The are growing. Eli says, "my seeds have hatched."
It won't be long until these seedlings will turn into giant sunflowers in the garden.
I hope they are taller than I. Can't wait.
SO cute! I'll have to look for those.