Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring Cleaning - Day 2

Day 2 of our spring cleaning challenge is to organize your pantry. Here's a picture of mine, total chaos I tell you. The huge tub on the floor holds Eli's art supplies...I'm still looking for the right spot to store them.

I don't think it's necessary to pull everything out and put it back together. I'm just going to move things around. I already have the shelves labeled for organization, but, some labels have fallen off over the past few months. If you have a label maker, print away. 

How did you do yesterday? Here's what I did...

Everything out of the fridge.

I threw away way too much stuff. I'm quite embarrassed by it. I just felt like I was throwing money away. That's what happens when I allow my fridge to get that bad.

Then, put everything back, nice and organized.

After I cleaned out the fridge (by 11am, I'm so proud of myself), I was on a roll. Eli and I planted some petunias in our front yard. Somehow, all the neighborhood kids ended up wanting to plant with us. I wasn't too thrilled about letting random kids touch my beloved petunias, so, I ended up digging in the dirt with them trying to find earth worms. Oh, I also got bit by fire ants, lovely. 

Then, God revealed to me the reason why He blessed us with a I can dress her in the most adorable cardigans.
Happy organizing!

1 comment:

  1. I told you dressing up a girl would be SO much fun!

    My day has been crazy, with plans changing 4-5 times, so my pantry will have to wait because I won't have time before getting to your house.



    Auntie Num-Nums


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