Wednesday, March 25, 2009

She Sleeps

When I was pregnant with Emma, I had so many different emotions. Excitement. Fear. Bliss. I was so surprised by the sad feeling I had that life would no longer be just David, Eli and I. I was fortunate that my best friend Kelly was also pregnant at the same time. So, we were able to share our thoughts of having another child. She too, had the sad feelings that she would no longer be able to devote her time to her daughter and that her daughter would feel left out. 

As my pregnancy progressed, I did something about these sad feelings, I spent quality time with Eli. Precious time that even now, I cherish. We read book after book on his bed, we gardened, we walked, we went on outings, we baked, we painted, we cuddled. 

God is so good. He knew what kind of baby I needed. One that sleeps. I have quality alone time with Emma while Eli is in school two days a week. I have quality time with Eli when Emma sleeps. She sleeps. Man does this girl sleep. She sleeps good. 
This is what we do when Emma pictures are a bit out of order...
1) I cut Eli's hair. I cut his hair outside.
(After the cut)
(During the cut)
(Before the cut. Man, did he have a fro)
We garden. Goodbye nasty junipers, hello beautiful knockout roses.
We play. We play ship. We play cars. We play ball.

1 comment:

  1. So nice to know that those sad feelings are somewhat normal. :)


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