This is the birth story of my sweet
Emma Grace
Sweet Emma’s birth story actually began a few weeks before her birth. I visited my OB for my 39 week check-up and was 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I was ecstatic! After the appointment I went to get my haircut and remember sitting in the chair thinking, “what am I doing here? I could go into labor at anytime!!” Days went by and my belly only got bigger. My 40 week check-up arrived and I was still only 2 cm dilated. I was bummed! I was even more bummed to schedule an induction date for 7 days later. I didn’t want to be induced, I wanted the surprise of going into labor naturally. My appointment was on Monday and by Wednesday, I was desperate not be pregnant anymore. I was uncomfortable, I couldn’t sleep and the suspense of when I would go into labor was killing me. I walked up to David Wednesday afternoon, with tears in my eyes and told him I was going to call the doctor and see if they could move up my induction date. David was able to talk me out making the phone call saying, “Melissa, you could go into labor tomorrow!” I wiped my tears away and continued about my day. That night I was reminded of a woman’s blog I read weekly. Over the past couple of months she’s documented the painful grieving process she’s experiencing after the death of her son at 37 weeks pregnant. I decided to change my thinking, here’s a portion of an email I wrote that night:“I have prayed and prayed, asking God to bring on labor soon. I've questioned Him and I've ignored His voice until today when He reminded me that He is in control, not me, not my body, not the doctors. I thought about a sweet gals blog I read the other day. Just over a month ago, this dear woman birthed a still born baby at 38 weeks, the baby had passed away at 37 weeks. I was reminded of her strength, her faith, her courage to grieve in the blog world, and how God is carrying her during this dark time in the valley. I thought about her story, then I thought about my complaints...discomfort, sleepless nights, clothes that don't fit...and I realized how incredibly blessed I am to have a complication free pregnancy and even if my birth story involves Pitocin, I am blessed to be able to experience childbirth once again. I have nothing to complain about, I CHOOSE to spend the rest of my pregnancy feeling blessed.”
The following morning I woke up with some mild contractions, I was ecstatic. My prayers were answered, just when I was on the verge of a meltdown, I rested in God and my prayers were answered. I knew staying home and timing contractions wouldn’t help hurry the process, so I ventured off to Costco to do some shopping and walking. The contractions were painful, but not consistent. But, during the ride home it became perfectly clear that David and I would be heading for the hospital today. The anticipation I felt is a feeling like no other...boy or girl?, Thursday or Friday?, etc. At home we packed up some last minute necessities, gathered up Eli, took some last minute pictures and we walked out of our cozy home for the last time as a family of three. We dropped Eli off at David’s parents house and began our car ride to the hospital. On the way we made a few stops while David coached me through contractions, yes, we did stop at Starbucks! I figured it was going to be a late night and David would need his caffeine. We arrived at the hospital at 7:00 p.m. and this is what happened:
7:00 p.m. Arrived at hospital
7:15 p.m. Started to monitor the baby
7:30 p.m. I was 6 cm dilated!
7:35 p.m. My contractions we’re arriving every 2-3 minutes. The following words were spoken to David, “I’m not doing this again!”
7:40 p.m. I begged for an epidural
7:50 p.m. The anesthesiologist arrived from Heaven
7:59 p.m. Ahhhhhh, relief! The following words were then spoken to David, “Okay, maybe we can have another child.”
11:00 p.m. I was fully dilated
11:15 p.m. PUSH, MELISSA, PUSH!
12:45 a.m. It's a girl!!!
Then, following words came out of my mouth:
“A girl? Are you sure?”
“Wow, I got what I wanted!!”
Truth is, I so wanted a girl. Ever since I can remember, I wanted a boy as my first born child and a girl second. Everything about Emma’s birth was a blessing from God. From the doctor who delivered her, to the nurses who assisted, even the residence who were so caring, to the surprise of a daughter, everything about this experience was a blessing and will forever be remembered.
I am so incredibly grateful to have another sweet child to fill my days with joy. May I continue to slow my pace and enjoy every moment with my two beauties. As I write this I’m reminded of a quote I included in Eli’s scrapbook:
“One hundred years from now it will not matter what kind of car I drove, what kind of house I lived in, how much money I had in my bank account, nor what my clothes looked like. But, the world may be a little better because I was important in the life of a child.” ~ Unknown
Hey Melissa, I'm so happy you got your girl. Those are such sweet words you wrote and she truly is a miracle from God. You are such a sweet and amazing mom to these two kids. They are so lucky to have you!
ReplyDeleteI am so impressed tht you wrote down her story. I said the same thing when they told me Allison was a girl... how funny! I didn't realize you wanted a girl. How awesome! God is so good!