Thursday, August 14, 2008

Eli says, "I'm scared!"

What's a dishtowel doing taped to the ceiling of Eli's room? Well, before we gave in and put Eli back into his crib in Emma's nursery, we tried this. Every night Eli would come running back in our room saying, "I'm scared." David would get up, walk him back into his room and ask him what he was scared of. Eli would then point to the light fixture on the ceiling and say, "I'm scared of the light." What? Usually children are scared of the dark. Whether the light was on or off, he was scared. So, David grabbed a dishtowel, taped it over the light and Eli went to bed. This actually only worked for a night or two, then we gave in due to lack of sleep and put him in the crib...where he STILL rests his head to sleep. Here's what I don't understand, Emma's nursery has the same light fixture on the ceiling. 

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