Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Where Have I Been?

Where has my blogging self been? Let me tell you where I've been...
I've been with a sick two year old
I've been overwhelmed and busy with MOPS crafts
I've been trying to adjust to my two year old son
I've been toddler proofing our home
I've been fighting daily pregnancy headaches
I've been trying to organize our home to keep some kind of order in this crazy little world

So, I promise, promise, promise I will be back soon. Here's what you have to look forward to:
1) My new pregnancy cravings
2) Sweet pictures of my sweet son
3) Our make-up birthday-day for Eli
4) New fun decor that I've filled our home with
5) What's going on with my garden
Keep in touch, come back tomorrow and see you then!

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