Saturday, January 19, 2008

These Little Piggies Are Cold

That's right's a chilly 40 some degrees over here in Texas and we're cold. Although I like the cold, this is too cold for me. My ideal temperature would be 60 some degrees. I have cabin fever because it's too cold to go on a walk, go to the playground or even start preparing my garden for the spring (thank goodness I have my AeroGarden to watch grow).
I dread going out to the curb to get the mail or even taking the trash out because the wind is blowing like crazy. Okay, if and only if, there was no wind...I would actually bundle up and go outside. So, instead of enjoying the outdoors I plan on spending my afternoon doing laundry, dishes and taking pictures of my Eli. Better run, I have important things to do.
Oh, by the way, remind me of this blog in July & August.

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