Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sweet Eli is Two Years Old!

All day long I've been saying the following (all in California time of course):
7:30 AM - This time two years ago, I just woke up David to tell him I'm in labor
9:00 AM - This time two years ago, I was in active labor yet I still was painting my toenails. I still can't figure out why I needed freshly painted toenails to go to the hospital
10:30 AM - This time two years ago, my contractions were now 5 minutes apart
11:00 AM - This time two years ago, I was admitted to the hospital
12:00 PM - This time two years ago, I finally got my epidural (ahhhhh, relief)
2:30 PM - This time two years ago, I was in a hospital bed, in active labor, with an epidural and wondering if I was going to have a son or a daughter today
4:00 PM - This time two years ago, I was fully dilated and ready to push, push, push out the baby from my stomach
6:15 PM - This time two years ago, after two hours of pushing I begged the doctor to give me a C-section (the thought of if I was having a son or a daughter wasn't on my mind anymore)
6:17 PM - This time two years ago, they talked me OUT of the C-section, I REALLY started pushing (what was I doing before?) and they started REALLY preparing for a baby to arrive
6:22 PM - This time two years ago, I endured my final push during childbirth and baby Eli was born
6:22 PM and 30 seconds - This time two years ago, David looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "It's a BOY!"
6:23 PM - This time two years ago, I looked at everyone in the delivery room and said, "Really? Are you sure?" (I REALLY wanted a boy but didn't think I would get what I wanted)
6:23 PM and 30 seconds - This time two years ago, the nurse turned Eli around so his lower half was visible to me and said, "Look, YES, he's a boy."
6:23 PM and 55 seconds - This time two years ago, sweet Eli was a minute old and in my arms where he stopped crying and has been ever since

Since this is Eli's birthday WEEK, yes, you get a week in our home...all my blogs will be dedicated to him. So, be prepared to read a lot about Eli!

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