Sunday, February 5, 2012

New blog

After 5 years of blogging here, I thought it was time for a change. 

New blog address. New blog name. Same old me. Head on over to Thank you for hanging out with me here for the past 5 years. Here's to the next 5...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

crockpot enchiladas

remember my new years goals? remember how i wanted to try 52 new recipes this year? here's one i tried today and it was so delicious. we ate it with an avocado salad and we even have leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

you can find the recipe here. yet another amazing find from pintrest. the only thing i did different was not only drain the beans but i rinsed them too with hopes of reducing the sodium just a bit.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

dear mothers...

dear mothers...
does 6pm look like this in your house? isn't it wonderful? just enjoy it!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

diary of a homemaker who uses her crockpot all too much

tonight for dinner we're having lasagna. i think some are afraid of making this dish because it seems like a lot of work. honestly, it's not. i don't make crockpot lasagna but i do put my marinara sauce in the crockpot to simmer all day. but, i have a secret. 

my kids don't like to eat yellow squash, so i grate them, put them in the sauce, let them simmer all day and they have no idea they are even eating the vegetable. they really think it's noodles. 

and, it makes the lasagna so good. trust me. 

Monday, January 30, 2012

valentine's day t-shirt

a few weekends ago, i had a girls night with a few dear friends of mine. our husbands were away so it was a perfect time to let the children play, do a craft and play some games. 

all three of us have little girls, so we decided to make a valentine's shirt for them. here's what we used:
-fabric paint
-paper heart doily
-sponge brush
-a piece of cardboard or magazine

1) wash and dry the shirt. no softener.
2) place a piece of cardboard or magazine inside the shirt.
3) grab a doily and place it where you would like on the shirt.
4) put some paint on your sponge brush, and dab any excess off. you don't want a lot of paint on the brush or else it will seep through the doily.
5) dab, dab, dab and then dab some more all over the doily. you don't even have to be perfect, it will always look cute!
6) remove and let dry. follow the washing instructions on the bottle of paint. 

and there you go. a sweet valentine's shirt for a little girl. makes a great gift. i gave one as a gift this past weekend!